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I'm a 7th grader in the MYP of Runan Boarding School. Today is my first day to school! There is a traditional activity for all freshmen, military training. No one could refuse this propelling fact. Just enjoy it. Personally speaking, military training is a kind of group work that people enjoy the sunshine together. Sunny days always range frow the first day to the last. Like this~There is no denying that I will be tanned. May be slimer due to sleeping badly and eating little. However, it’s totally different. I realized that I was too naive to image it after we arrived at the training grounds. Look this picture, this is our military training.


This is my classmate. In the first place, Then~ Are you ok, my dear classmate? Also, this picture~ What a genuine and perfect campfire party! What a necessary and delicious mutton kebab! I’m happy that they are gain weight.After all, I will be guilty for my fat. For eating, our food is pretty good. I’m happy, so does my fat. Do-it-yourself, well-fed.Do-it-yourself continuously, well-fed forever. The freshest watermelon is chilled by well water. Sprite drops to the second rate after the watermelon.


Are you surprised? Look at our medal and certificate of merit. All of us are over the moon. So do our teachers. Do you think that is all my military training? That’s impossible. We also enjoyed standing, marching, sunbathing, singing etc. It’s really an upgrade one. It's not long and it is really short for four days of military training. Maybe not even a wave in my whole life. But this is the first one of my life. The first time is always more memorable. I'm tanned and I haven't lost a pound or two. A big mouthful really smells good. It does feel good to drink a lot of water. Singing loud is so funny. I'm even more confident in my words. All my friends are so chatty. 


By the way, I won an award. Each of us won an award, to be exact. Our teacher says each of us is unique. There's something in all of us that shines. Teachers from MYP are happy to find the good in every student. To be honest, I do think they have good taste. They can not only see what each of us is good at. And always encouraging us, acknowledging us, trusting us. I love here. I love with all my lovely classmates here. We meet at Runan Boarding School today, We are going to sail through the winds and waves in the future.

合肥润安公学是国际文凭组织中学项目的候选学校。学校正在按照国际文凭组织的高标准、严要求积极准备成为国际文凭组织中学项目授权学校。学校坚信这些积极的筹备对学生的成长至关重要。 学校只有获得IB授权才能正式提供国际文凭组织的任意四个课程项目:PYP幼小项目、MYP中学项目、DP大学预科项目或CP职业项目。候选学校是获得授权的必要条件。更多关于国际文凭组织(IB)及其课程项目的信息,请访问www.ibo.org 查询。

Run’an Boarding School is a Candidate School for the Middle Years Programme. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Run’an Boarding School believes is important for our students.

Only Schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org

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